
I made this site on 10/16/11 because I wanted to post about the fashion in WoW. I love the styles people come up with and new clothes. I also wanted to share some of my creations. I hope my post give you some ideas about what to get and what you'd like to wear.

I'll try and post as actively as I can but I can't promise everyday. I'll try at least every week.

I play on a RP server and get to see many role play outfits many are great and others are flops.

I'll try to accept request for certain outfits or ideas, I can't promise they'll be the best but I'll try my best. (^-^)

All the characters on the banner are some of my characters!
Left to Right-
Shaman, Druid, Mage, Hunter, Druid, Priest.

Yes! I know I have two druids.. I level one with my friend so I'd thought I'd add that one too. I do play on the Horde but I ran out of room on the banner so later I'll make my Horde character banner. Maybe.

Moonguard- RP
Wyrmrest Accord- RP